The Serendis Blog

What would Mentoring deliver if it was done right? A guide for program managers

8 August, 2022

What would Mentoring deliver if it was done right? A guide for program managers

If ‘pivot’ was the buzzword of 2020, then ‘retention’ is certainly staking its claim on 2022! Building a team and nurturing talent is only one part of the challenge facing people teams and business leaders. The looming question is ‘how…

How do I nail a performance review conversation?

7 June, 2022

How do I nail a performance review conversation?

There is an ongoing body of research demonstrating the impact performance conversations have on both recipients’ and managers’ brains. The level of anxiety it generates, often prevents team members from engaging their pre-frontal context and remembering or learning from the…

Your leadership potential

3 May, 2017

Your leadership potential

How do you demonstrate your leadership potential? Does your outlook take into account long-term perspectives that may influence the current direction of your business, your industry, your clients, products or services? How do you develop insights into the macroeconomic, organisational, digital…

From Management to Leadership- Understanding the Journey

23 January, 2017

From Management to Leadership- Understanding the Journey

The terms manager and leader are often interchangeable yet are they truly synonymous? In my opinion, they are not and the distinctions between these two disciplines are crucial to understanding how to advance your career towards leadership positions. You become…