The Serendis Blog

8 August, 2022
What would Mentoring deliver if it was done right? A guide for program managers
If ‘pivot’ was the buzzword of 2020, then ‘retention’ is certainly staking its claim on 2022! Building a team and nurturing talent is only one part of the challenge facing people teams and business leaders. The looming question is ‘how…
20 July, 2022
The 5 leadership habits that retain talent
We knew Millennials had different expectations to their parents about their workplace and career. This was particularly a concern for organisations who invest a lot of time and money to develop and up-skill their graduates only to see them leave…
23 June, 2022
10 easy steps to build great leadership habits
Approaching the halfway point of the year, has prompted me to reflect on the many commitments leaders make at the beginning of the calendar year – fresh from holidays and the festive season and brimming with new year spirit and…
7 June, 2022
Leveraging technology to succeed in a hybrid world
At Serendis, our passion is to create agile, mindful and inclusive leadership cultures. For many years, we were driven by the idea that disruption and change was upon us, and we wanted to support leaders to face ‘the challenges of…
25 May, 2021
Thriving Not Just Surviving An Ever-Changing Landscape
One of the most (over)-utilised terms of the past year has been “pivoting”. Although the term inspires eye rolls, there is little to indicate that we have seen the end of the pivot. Whether it be the continuing impact of…
29 December, 2020
New Year’s Resolutions – why we make them and how to keep them
It’s often at this time of year that we start to think about the year ahead, what new resolutions we will commit to for the next 12 months. With the routines and the daily structure of life as we knew…
9 June, 2020
What Goes Up Must Come Down
Are you finding that team engagement and motivation are currently at risk? Over the last few months we have observed an incredible amount of agility and hard work from people working across various businesses and organisations. These behaviours are leaders’…