The Serendis Blog

I Was Sitting COVID Out: Supporting Returning Parents in 2021

27 July, 2021

I Was Sitting COVID Out: Supporting Returning Parents in 2021

I went on parental leave in March 2020. At my last work event, a speech I was giving for an International Women’s Day event, I remember the host asking, “Do you mind shaking hands?” We all know our version of…

One woman's uplifting story of returning to her career after a break

6 August, 2017

One woman’s uplifting story of returning to her career after a break

Our guest post is by Michelle Warnock, a participant on the Serendis Career Returners Program. She writes a candid account of returning to her career after a break to raise her four children… Ten years ago I was a woman with a thriving career.  I…

Creating pathways back to work changes the game

6 June, 2017

Creating pathways back to work changes the game

Many professionals at some point during their lifetime will take a career break be it for parenthood, family care or other reasons. Sadly, research tells us those who take a career break (both men and women, but predominantly women) face…