The Serendis Blog

Insights from Three Harvard Legends…

29 June, 2022

Insights from Three Harvard Legends…

Harvard University is devoted to teaching, researching and developing leaders who make a difference globally. The University is at the forefront of behavioural science and I recently had the incredible privilege to learn again from three Harvard legends: Amy Edmondson,…

10 easy steps to build great leadership habits

23 June, 2022

10 easy steps to build great leadership habits

Approaching the halfway point of the year, has prompted me to reflect on the many commitments leaders make at the beginning of the calendar year – fresh from holidays and the festive season and brimming with new year spirit and…

The three ways our brains hijack us AND what the science tells us you can do about it!

23 June, 2022

The three ways our brains hijack us AND what the science tells us you can do about it!

Do you feel like you have less and less time and more and more to deliver? It’s true, the fast pace, highly competitive environment we all work in demands more and more self control, efficacy and brain performance.  Ok! Now…

How do I nail a performance review conversation?

7 June, 2022

How do I nail a performance review conversation?

There is an ongoing body of research demonstrating the impact performance conversations have on both recipients’ and managers’ brains. The level of anxiety it generates, often prevents team members from engaging their pre-frontal context and remembering or learning from the…

New Year’s Resolutions – why we make them and how to keep them

29 December, 2020

New Year’s Resolutions – why we make them and how to keep them

It’s often at this time of year that we start to think about the year ahead, what new resolutions we will commit to for the next 12 months. With the routines and the daily structure of life as we knew…

Build resilience by hacking your own brain

9 September, 2020

Build resilience by hacking your own brain

At Serendis we are working with teams and leaders who are generally incredibly engaged and with great intentions to grow and evolve. However, once they leave our sessions, many find it hard to remain on track. As you can see…

Moving from anxiety towards vocation

11 February, 2018

Moving from anxiety towards vocation

When I ask my clients about their hopes or goals for 2018 … the answer is unanimous. They all promise to a have a quieter year, to be less stressed, to achieve a stable personal and emotional balance that allows…