
Unlock the value and potential of your people - MentorKey transforms the impact leaders have on employees’ growth, at scale

MentorKey is the most cost-effective digital platform for delivering real impact with mentoring, coaching and sponsorship, for all your employees.

Discover the power of MentorKey’s self-guided participant journeys.

The transformative approach built into MentorKey provides your people with tools and guidance to convert ‘casual chats’ into powerful development conversations. The platform’s guidance adapts to the specific needs of the individual user, as well as the mentoring, coaching or sponsorship program you choose to deliver.

Personalised guidance for mentees, coachees and sponsees.

MentorKey guides mentees, coachees and sponsees to confidently steer discussions topics towards their aspirations, overcome their challenges, and boldly pursue and achieve their career development and leadership goals. It also equips them to prepare and drive the agenda for their one-to-one mentoring, sponsorship or coaching sessions, and to maintain momentum while tracking their progress.

Personalised guidance for mentors, coaches and sponsors.

MentorKey enhances mentors, coaches and sponsors impact and capabilities, by providing them with the right frameworks and tools, at just the right time, to deliver on their partners’ aspirations, development needs and goals. This tailored guidance makes the relationship more powerful than the casual conversations they would otherwise have.

Minimise the time spent delivering your program with our powerful administrative features

Full flexibility to deliver a mentoring, coaching or sponsorship program or run multiple programs concurrently.

On-brand registration pages to captivate your people and invite them to join your program.

Matching algorithm to rapidly partner your people (such as mentee and mentor) with the best possible matches.

Real-time dashboard, providing essential metrics to track and evaluate your participant progress, program engagement, and ROI.

Leveraging Serendis Leadership Expertise

We have been delivering world-class mentoring, sponsorship, and coaching programs for large corporate powerhouses for over 15 years. With thousands of participants, we have learned what is needed for these programs to be successful and have real impact on an individual’s career development. Now, you too can draw from that experience, and be supported by MentorKey’s team of experts as you deliver a program with transformational impact across your organisation.

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