The Serendis Blog

17 June, 2021
The Power of the Check-In
How does your team respond when challenging situations come their way? Do they duck to take cover, or do they step out of their comfort zone and embrace the opportunity? Significantly build your teams resilience by regularly asking two simple…
9 June, 2020
What Goes Up Must Come Down
Are you finding that team engagement and motivation are currently at risk? Over the last few months we have observed an incredible amount of agility and hard work from people working across various businesses and organisations. These behaviours are leaders’…
3 April, 2020
Exercising Leadership From Home 2: Building Resilience
Following our first exercising leadership from home blog, this second blog shares an approach to help leaders strengthen resilience, so you can bring higher levels of resourcefulness to your conversations, interactions and thinking, and also bolster trust and cohesion in…