The Serendis Blog

8 August, 2022
What would Mentoring deliver if it was done right? A guide for program managers
If ‘pivot’ was the buzzword of 2020, then ‘retention’ is certainly staking its claim on 2022! Building a team and nurturing talent is only one part of the challenge facing people teams and business leaders. The looming question is ‘how…
20 July, 2022
How can you prepare to drive your own performance conversation?
There is so much at stake in a performance conversation, and yet the emotions that flood our brains prevent our pre-frontal cortex from being fully operational. This makes it difficult to truly listen objectively to what the other party is…
20 July, 2022
The 5 leadership habits that retain talent
We knew Millennials had different expectations to their parents about their workplace and career. This was particularly a concern for organisations who invest a lot of time and money to develop and up-skill their graduates only to see them leave…
29 June, 2022
Insights from Three Harvard Legends…
Harvard University is devoted to teaching, researching and developing leaders who make a difference globally. The University is at the forefront of behavioural science and I recently had the incredible privilege to learn again from three Harvard legends: Amy Edmondson,…
23 June, 2022
10 easy steps to build great leadership habits
Approaching the halfway point of the year, has prompted me to reflect on the many commitments leaders make at the beginning of the calendar year – fresh from holidays and the festive season and brimming with new year spirit and…
7 June, 2022
How do I nail a performance review conversation?
There is an ongoing body of research demonstrating the impact performance conversations have on both recipients’ and managers’ brains. The level of anxiety it generates, often prevents team members from engaging their pre-frontal context and remembering or learning from the…
7 June, 2022
Leveraging technology to succeed in a hybrid world
At Serendis, our passion is to create agile, mindful and inclusive leadership cultures. For many years, we were driven by the idea that disruption and change was upon us, and we wanted to support leaders to face ‘the challenges of…
7 June, 2022
The Making of Leader360
So often, our HR partners ask us to recommend the most effective 360 instruments on the market. In addressing their needs, we are challenged by two factors: Many of the well-known psychometric instruments that provide a 360 component, take time…
13 November, 2018
When Cultural Values Lead to Groupthink, the Company Loses
As a business shapes its public reputation, hidden conflicts can undermine its effectiveness. by Maud Lindley, Jeffrey Schwartz, and Malcolm Thompson Excerpt from story published in Strategy + Business Magazine The business of a corporation is no longer just business. In the past,…
1 May, 2017
Are we facing diversity fatigue?
The lack of gender diversity at the top levels of our corporate world is a complex issue which is often misunderstood. Leadership gender imbalance is affected by a range of societal, personal and cultural factors and when we attempt to…