The Serendis Blog

Addressing the Authenticity Paradox in Mentoring

11 March, 2025

Addressing the Authenticity Paradox in Mentoring

There’s a common trap in mentoring relationships that’s easy to miss. It occurs when both parties try and shape the mentee into a “carbon copy” of their mentor. This creates an “authenticity paradox” in which the very relationship meant to…

What would Mentoring deliver if it was done right? A guide for program managers

8 August, 2022

What would Mentoring deliver if it was done right? A guide for program managers

If ‘pivot’ was the buzzword of 2020, then ‘retention’ is certainly staking its claim on 2022! Building a team and nurturing talent is only one part of the challenge facing people teams and business leaders. The looming question is ‘how…

The 5 leadership habits that retain talent

20 July, 2022

The 5 leadership habits that retain talent

We knew Millennials had different expectations to their parents about their workplace and career. This was particularly a concern for organisations who invest a lot of time and money to develop and up-skill their graduates only to see them leave…

10 easy steps to build great leadership habits

23 June, 2022

10 easy steps to build great leadership habits

Approaching the halfway point of the year, has prompted me to reflect on the many commitments leaders make at the beginning of the calendar year – fresh from holidays and the festive season and brimming with new year spirit and…

The power of mentoring and how to do it effectively

28 July, 2017

The power of mentoring and how to do it effectively

Much has been written about the merits of mentoring. From personal experience, having facilitated cross-sector and internal mentoring programs for several years, I have observed how structured mentoring operates as a powerful lever to accompany individual, organisational and sector change. Serendis’…